Equipping our members for the transformation of the world.
Those gathered in this place of worship come from a number of different cultural, racial and socio-economic backgrounds. Yet we have found growing our Congregation through growing Disciples a common ground as our mission commitment to Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of our lives. This mission is being achieved by calling persons to join in the ministry of growing the congregation through growing disciples.
Our Vision
“Entering the Passion of Jesus” Picturing ourselves in the story. Throughout the six weeks of Lent we we will “freeze frame” moments so we might put ourselves in the picture.
Our Church opens wide its door to accomplish our vision by equipping members for spiritual growth, so that they may live healthier spiritual lives through faith-filled ministries, witness to God blessing through service to our church and make disciples for the transformation of the world.
Mother’s Day
Gleaning @ Marker-Miller Farm, Winchester, Virginia